Aminolase 30 caps

Item# AAM0008
Regular price: $24.99
Sale price: $19.99

Product Description

Aminolase is a powerful performance enzyme blend that allows for nearly 100% of ingested protein to be utilized for muscle building, strength and recovery.* In a university study, Aminolase converted 25 grams of whey protein to nearly 100% amino acids whereas the placebo average conversion rate was 15%.* Wasted protein can cause gas, bloating, and kidney stress.* Just one capsule of Aminolase can convert a typical protein drink into a muscle engorging nitric oxide and amino acid rush unlike any other product available* Aminolase support strength, pump, endurance and digestion.*

Suggested Use

Delivery Methods: When Aminolase is removed from capsules, the enzymes will rapidly begin converting protein into amino acids. Amino acids have a significantly different taste profile in comparison to protein, which may impact taste and texture. For best results, drink within 5 minutes of mixing, or simply swallow capsules and immediately chase with your favorite protein beverage.

Consume 1 capsule of Aminolase per 25 grams of protein. Aminolase capsules may also be opened and added directly to your favorite protein supplement, or taken with any protein rich meal.
